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Support Us

Because you see the need for a modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption & privacy features created by (and for) a community of passionate people.


You feel this community should be 100% free open source software that's unbeholden to the will of VCs, advertisers, and the interests of big businesses & governments. Thanks for your interest & support!

Your Donation

By donating $23 or more makes you a community member which allows you to vote on feature development, our roadmap, and shape the overall direction of Mailpile.

Backing Mailpile at any level is an expression of your belief that our team is creating something useful and amazing.

Choose Your Amount

Your donation will be processed via PayPal

Bank Wire Transfers

Bank Name: Islandsbanki ehf.
Account: Mailpile ehf.
IBAN: IS580513381030145609131680

Kirkjusandi 2
IS-155 Reykjavík

Icelandic ISK Account: 513-14-404770
Kennitala: 560913-1680

If you would like to donate via Bitcoin, please send your donation to this wallet:

Send to: 1GKxRxXTyobnLhE9rFouLqiypTVk3ZB1rP

Note: We changed addresses! Please do not use the old one.

We Respect Your Privacy

If you send money by wire transfer or bitcoin your donation is anonymous,
but you're entitled to vote on Mailpile decisions, so send an email
mentioning your donation so we can invite you to our community platform.
If you do not want to remain anonymous also please specify your name in this email.
PayPal donations will be automatically added to community site.

Our IndieGoGo Campaign

During our campaign that ran from between Aug 3 - Sep 10, 2013
we raised a total of $163,192 and 54 Bitcoins

Thank you for your awesome support!

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