Why so quiet?
Posted by Bjarni on December 3, 2015 ( Content may be obsolete! )
Just a quick update, for those of you wondering why the project is so quiet at the moment: I'm on paternity leave!
My wife Emilia gave birth to a lovely baby girl just over a month ago, and we are slowly figuring out what it means to be parents! It's both amazing and exhausting. Being a dad is cool! :-)
That said... I love my work too much to just stop, and I do still want to get a first "release quality release" done within the next month or so. So in between nappy-changes, soothing walks and food preparation, I have also done a fair bit of hacking. Next time I find the time to push updates to Github (not promising when, but soon...), I'll be releasing the following new features:
- A new message view; the current GMail-like conversation view is being replaced with message displays inline inside the search results, to facilitate navigation between threads and tagging.
- Proper support for HTML e-mails, including images and remembered per-sender preferences.
- Drastically improved thread support and navigation.
- Lots of little bug-fixes.
Also in the pipe-line are a revamped composer (which also fits inline in the search result page) and support for PGP Memory Hole protected headers. However, I doubt those will get done before I impose a feature freeze on myself and switch to bugfix-and-stabalize mode.
I'd like to send a shout-out to our friendly competitors at Whiteout - they gave me some very useful pointers on how to handle HTML mail, and I took some inspiration from code they have published.
In other news, this weekend I will take leave from my paternity leave to attend the 2nd PGP e-mail summit, this time in Zurich. I expect there will be some PGP and memory-hole related hacking taking place at the same time.
That's all for now... have a good December, everyone!