Still Hacking Anyway

Posted by Bjarni RĂșnar on August 13, 2017 ( Content may be obsolete! )

Last weekend, I happily attended the Dutch SHA2017 Hacker Camp. I slept in a tent, gave a talk about Mailpile and had too much beer and almost enough interesting conversations.

The advertised title of my talk was "Four years later", because Mailpile itself was launched at the last Dutch hacker camp: OHM in 2013. So I talked about what Mailpile is, what has happened during the last four years and finally I announced our first 1.0 release candiate!

However, I sneakily changed the title to Still Hacking Anyway, because I just liked that better.

Thanks to the Chaos Computer Club media project, you can watch the talk here:

download the talk here

After the talk I gave away a bunch of Mailpile t-shirts and stickers, but mostly relaxed and enjoyed being surrounded by interesting hacktivists at the camp. It was a wonderful event and the organizers and volunteers all did a fantastic job.

The talk ended with a call for help; funnily enough, I'm roughly on schedule and would like to hire a couple of developers to help me complete the Plan for 2017. I will post more details about the positions later this month: if you know Windows or Mac desktop developers that are looking for 3-4 months of contract work, watch this space - or just get in touch!

A correction: I am aware of one factual error in my talk: I said that GnuPG 2.1 was moving towards making TOFU the default trust model. This is incorrect. My apologies!


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